How to complete homework faster
Want to know how to complete homework faster go through a student’s own personal cheat sheet. Homework is no fun, especially when you’re already tired from your school day with very little time and energy. But no worries, we got you some tips to make your homework faster and less tiring!
1. Start Early
In order to learn how to complete homework faster, there is no need to wait for the last nanosecond of the deadline to start working. Last-minute work means starting on panic mode and when has that done anyone any good? You might even start at school if you get a free period. Just because it’s called ” homework ” doesn’t mean you HAVE to do it at home! Use your study periods or other extra time in your school day. The more you get done while in
school, the less you have to do at night, that’s got to be a motivation, right?
It’s natural to procrastinate and wait around, I would know because up till high school I used to do the same. But it’s always stressful this day. But believe me, the day I decided that I’m done with this habit of procrastination and started doing my homework in my free periods, I felt much more relaxed and at ease. Moreover, my teachers were happy as I met most of my deadlines so it was a win-win situation. Not to mention all of the free time I had at home!
I hope this trick helps you ease your workload.
2. Understand The Assignment
To complete homework faster it is important to understand the assignment. It is so common that you know about an assignment and you decide to start working on it and complete it on time but when you sit and start it you don’t understand what exactly is asked of you, what the teacher is expecting and you realize that you are not clear about things like word count, number of pages, reference books or sites and other format related problems. So, it’s better to think about these things beforehand and clear such doubts with your teacher right away and try to note down everything when she is trying to explain the assignment to you.
Also, if you have other assignments as well then, it’s better to ask the teacher how much time it would take you to finish the assignment, this way you can use this estimate to budget your time and one assignment does not come at the cost of the others.
When you face this problem of not understanding the assignment, you stop and the work is eventually postponed indefinitely, and again the deadline comes closer and closer to haunt you. So do the smart thing and clarify your doubts beforehand so that you can finish the assignment smoothly and in one go.
3. Manage Your Time
We all know that there are a lot of burdens on students, and it is very important to understand how to complete homework faster. To pursue our goal we should understand that there are more than one or two subjects to focus on. Every teacher has their assignment quota and other subject assignments do not factor in giving assignments for a particular subject. So, it’s up to us whether we sulk about the workload or we manage it. Once you learn about a new assignment, try to fit it into your schedule, make a task list, and allocate time for everything. Now, this is where the estimate, that we were just talking about, comes in handy.
There is a great article written by acuity training on time management. It would clear a lot of things about how people manage their time.
When you know the approximate time you need for each task, you can plan what you need to give more time and attention, what can be completed fast, and for which homework you need a fresh mind. This way you can decide what to do first and which time of the day is best for a particular assignment. I would suggest you start with the work you can complete fast, basic note-making or copying from the textbook.
This is the work that you can do just after coming back home. Finishing something fast will also give you a sense of achievement and you’ll feel productive, thus having a positive frame of mind you could complete homework faster.
4. Start With Basic Stuff That You Can Get Out Of The Way
in order to complete homework faster, you could try to tell yourself that you will go home and start with the most complicated assignment, but in reality, you are tired after school and you would not be able to give your 100 % right away, ending up not starting at all and wasting a few hours or giving up soon after starting. This will make you feel disappointed and demotivated. So, it’s better to be realistic and smart and do the smaller homework assignments and get them out of the way. This has 2 major benefits :
You have one thing off your task list and it gives you a sense of accomplishment, motivating you to complete everything and get it off the list!
You get in the groove of working and get the belief that you can complete the work if you put your mind to it.
I have another rather unorthodox tip lined up for you that can make your homework feel a bit more fun and less tiring, so keep scrolling to find out!
5. Find A Quiet Place To Study
You can’t expect to be very productive and get a lot done when you’re sitting in the living room with your family talking around you, the TV running or with someone talking to you. To focus on your work, you need to get rid of distractions and sit in a quiet environment where you can concentrate. This is a very basic thing that people usually don’t pay much attention to, but small things like this have a great impact on your productivity.
Giving 1 hour to your assignment, with full concentration is much better than sitting with it all day and then thinking where you went wrong.
Thinking why your friend was able to complete the same thing in an hour when it took you all day. Once you get it over with, you will have a lot of time to do other things.
6. Do Not Study On Your Bed
Sit on a desk or table as it’s much more comfortable to work at. Good posture is very important while working, doing work on your bed makes you lazy and the same homework takes much longer than it should. This is another small thing that makes a big difference in your productivity.
When you’re constantly working on your bed you decrease productivity and energy levels, your body just wants to relax. Before you know it, you’ll be giving in to heavy eyes and taking naps when you should be working. As a result, you’ll never feel fully productive. Also, keep your phones away while studying.
Working on a table, and keeping the distractions away helps you complete homework faster and the motivation to go back to your bed and devices makes you get the work done faster. When you’re already relaxed and have your devices nearby, homework is just a part of what you’re doing, you can never be fully focused.
7. Play Some Music
Only for writing assignments that do not need much concentration
Now, this is very Gen-Z advice and many would disagree but it’s tried and tested by me and so many of my peers. Music makes you work faster and in a good flow, when there’s a song or any tune playing in the background, your mind doesn’t wander to other places as it’s already preoccupied enough.
This way you won’t zone out and the rhythm of the music will generate a rhythm and speed in your writing. And the best part is that you don’t even feel like you’re working and the assignment is complete before you know it!
So, I just randomly decided to do my writing assignment one day when I was already listening to music. I thought that I’m not doing anything so I might as well complete the work. I didn’t feel the need to turn off the music so I didn’t. So, I started writing and I completed before I knew it, I completed the assignment! 12 pages and I didn’t feel the need to stop in between even once! I know my speed and trust me this was way faster.
The best part is that I didn’t feel tired at all like I usually would after doing that amount of work. Normally I would lose concentration and stop in between after 2-3 pages and take short breaks, but in that flow, I didn’t feel the need to take any breaks.
So to complete homework faster, try this yourself and let me know in the comments if it helped you!
8. Take Short Breaks In Between
Thinking that you’ll go home and just start working on your homework and work nonstop to complete it till night is easy, but let’s be real, when has that ever worked out for anyone? So, it’s better to set more realistic targets that you can achieve. You have to consider that you are tired after school and can’t do homework all day. in order to complete homework faster take short breaks in between your homework sessions so that you can be fresh and work to your full potential when you are working. This way you are at your maximum productivity level and get the same amount of work done but much more efficiently.
Small 15-minute breaks every one and a half hours are perfect as they help prolong and maintain your attention span, and productivity and give you something to look forward to. Let me give you an example, when you are working and feel like stopping for a bit and going through your phone or taking a walk around your house, you can tell yourself that it’s just a matter of time till you take a break and you try to complete your work faster.
On the other hand, when you don’t plan your breaks, you will take them anyway whenever you feel tired of doing your homework. So to complete homework faster, it’s better to plan your schedule with regular short breaks in between rather than taking a lot of random unplanned breaks. You may even set alarms for your schedule as it makes you more organized in general.
9. Unplug
In order to complete homework faster, here is a tough one for you, you already know this one, yet it’s the hardest one to follow. We all get it, in today’s day, it’s not easy to just put your phone away. You might give yourself the excuse that you have an important.
pdf in your phone that you need to refer to, or maybe not your friend sent you that you need to copy from and most importantly GOOGLE. All these points are valid but try to take out an alternative for this, like switching off your WIFI when copying an assignment from your phone or printing out a PDF if possible.
But keep your phone away whenever possible, it’s an unnecessary distraction that takes a small assignment to take much longer to complete than it should.
Check your phone whenever you get a notification and before you realize it you have wasted about 10 – 15 minutes and then you realize you lost focus and waste a little more time to get into the groove of working. Might feel like a small thing but in the end, you lose a lot of time.
I’m sure I don’t need to tell anyone the difference in productivity levels that can be achieved when you keep your devices aside and put your full focus on your work. We have all seen it ourselves, it’s just about making this a habit.
10. Set A Timer For Yourself
Give yourself a deadline. Plan what you need to get done and how much time you should complete it. A timer will keep you moving along and keep you from being bogged down by an assignment all day. When you have a clock on your head you work faster. You feel the need to prove to yourself that you’re capable of reaching the goals you set for yourself. What you expect of yourself is the biggest motivation.
One’s expectation is their biggest driving force. Setting a timer also helps you block distractions as the only thing you have in your mind is the timer. It can also make your breaks more meaningful as you have the feeling that you have earned them. It also makes you more disciplined in general.
11. Prioritize By Due Dates And Importance Levels Of Each Assignment
One major problem faced by most students today is where to start. You have so many subjects and assignments to do but can’t decide where to start. Instead of fearing the volume of work plan what’s most important and which deadline is the closest. Take every factor into consideration and make yourself a schedule using symbols for measuring the importance of each task at hand. Start with the assignment with the closest due date.
If a few clashes, see what will take you the longest and start with that then move on to the lesser time-consuming ones. Also, see beforehand if you need any supplies for a particular assignment and arrange them so that when you finally start working on it, you have everything you need. The next tip will surely explain a lot about how to complete homework faster.
12. Reward Yourself With Something Fun Post Homework
After you have done all your work, reward yourself. It’s the most important thing to keep you going. After all, you have earned it, and you will always remember the sweet scent of success, which will be something to look forward to the next time you sit down to do some homework
I have focused on the importance of planning and scheduling in a lot of these tips and that’s because it’s the most important aspect of working fast and efficiently. I hope you now understand the importance of these factors in helping you complete your assignments faster and with much more ease. The key to getting your schoolwork done is working efficiently, you don’t need to be working day and night to be a good, regular student. You need to spend a few hours, with full concentration on your work.
Let me know in the comments if these homework tips helped you, and if you have any more questions feel free to ask!
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